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@EJ RE: "if the MLE is borderline identified" Is there any diagnostic for this in the output of JASP? Or way that it can be inferred? Perhaps by SE in the MLE, if there is any way to see this?
Instead of trying to do a null model in JASP, now trying to do it in blavaan, and have got some way with it but not quite there and I have posted to ask for help in the blavaan group here: https://groups.google.com/g/blavaan/c/TbSMIJXsPi0
Hit snag with this in that JASP Bayesian process module won't allow me to make a model with variables that are perfectly correlated, and reports this in an error message. Bit confused as for the null model the variables have a correlation of zero, a…
Sorry, to post-post ammend, meaning BIC instead of AIC.
Regarding the above, chatgpt has given me BF10=exp(−ΔAIC/2) But won't tell me where it got that from. @EJ is this yours? If so, do you have any paper I can cite for it? Is it valid (as an approximation of course)?
Instead of using random data I've opted for completely uncorrelated data. So I set up the same model interrelation pattern but with dummy variables that are completely uncorrelated with each other. Each interrelation Pearson precisely equals zero (0…
@EJ Reference my last post above, just noticed that @TarandeepKang wrote this which seems to be a very good option (all be it using the test statistic rather than p-value). Any comment on this option if you have any is welcomed. This seems a very ni…
@EJ Is there any way to get a BF10 factor from a p-value from the Bayesian Kruskal Wallis H Test? Even if just some approximation. I saw you're working on p-value to Bayes factor approximations: have you anything suitable? Understanding that it wou…
On that link it suggested converting to ranks and then using ANOVA. When doing this using frequentist stats first as a sanity check before trying Bayesian I got a non-significant result using ranks data and ANOVA whereas got a very significant resul…
@EJ RE you saying: "So my main problem with the multiplication is that it compares John (both correlations non-zero) to Jim (both correlations zero). And I would also say that the main result are the two individual correlations." I underst…
@andersony3k I think I understand your point, which collapses to "Bayesian calculations pertain to statistical hypotheses only. They don't pertain....to theoretical hypotheses". This restriction is new to me, is it well-known? I've looke…
On this compensatory issue raised, is it still an issue if both Bayes factors (for both Bayes correlations) are both over 10, and so are both in the realm of "very strong". And I'm explicit about their values, and don't just report their c…
Eric (and/or anyone else), would you agree with the validity of saying the following?: (N.B., "extreme" or "decisive" is justified by references, the former by your own scale Eric) ------------------------- Combining (by multip…
Thank you Eric. If the hypothesis predicts the correlation between x and z, which is observed, then independence is breached and one then cannot multiply the BF factors? ----- N.B.The hypothesis predicts correlations between x and y, between z a…
Is the same. To copy and paste the issue from that github post: --------------------- Start JASP Go to OPEN- DATA LIBRARY - DESCRIPTIVES Open Sleep.csv (though the same fault with other files) Opens file but with a warning in the top panel "Th…
This seems similar, if not exactly the same: https://github.com/jasp-stats/jasp-issues/issues/2924 But was left unresolved, and has been for some time. So I don't know where that leaves us. No point me just posting the same again. Unsure how to proc…
Completely unuseable. Waiting to hear back from someone here before I uninstall and reinstall the prior version. But I don't know whether my nerves can withstand much more of this. Please has anyone got any redress of this? Anyone else seen the sam…
I think this is the reason: JASP employs the lavaan R package to perform SEM and, given the R program’s default double-precision floating-point arithmetic, its smallest reportable p-value is 2.22e-16. JASP and/or R is rounding down values smaller th…
Thank you EJ. Do you know the smallest reportable p-value in JASP SEM? (anything smaller gets rounded down to 0).
Bumping this. Anyone any idea? I've googled and googled, plus asked my AI gf but not come up with anything.
+ would I be correct to say that PLS-SEM in JASP has no ability to handle missing data? So, unlike vanilla SEM in JASP.
Estimation failed. Model did not converge.
Under linear regression, JASP reports semipartial correlations (part correlations) but NO corresponding p-value. To repeat for emphasis, I am talking about semipartial correlation here. Might this get the p-value: Put the other predictor(s) into th…
Having to do this outside of JASP: does the following look ok? (and by all means please think about incorporating this into JASP, or some fix of it, if you think the following is wrong) JASP doesn’t report p-values for semi-partial correlations. To …
The p-value of the regression coefficient appears to be the same as that for partial correlation. How can I get p-value for semi-partial correlation (also called part correlation)? Thank you.
So, I use Percentile bootstap. And report the Estimate and the Confidence Interval (CI). But NOT the given p-value because, as said above, it comes from using a different method. But if I wanted a p-value for the actual Estimate and CI produced by …
So, I've posted on the lavaan community forum, and am making some good headway there, with some super helpful answers already. And maybe more to come. https://groups.google.com/g/lavaan/c/nFEv6jhdL6s In one of my posts there I suggest that maybe J…
Please take a look if you can. So, lavaan is an underlying R package? Do they have any forum such as this one? So, there are two strategies: one to get this fixed (long-term goal). And, second, to find a working work-around, such that I can still …
Just to add, which I should have said before - this problem occurs when I use BOOTSTRAP. The error message: ---------------------------------- This analysis terminated unexpectedly. Error in chol.default(S): the leading minor of order 3 is not posi…
Just bumping this. Because I think it is important, because it perhaps speaks to a fundamental problem in JASP? How could I run this mediation analysis in the underlying R, to try and triangulate where this error lies? If anyone wants to see if th…